There is an impressive array of options, from fences to statues to birdhouses, and each of these comes in three models, so you can choose your favourites and make the garden more personal.

Between yard sales, the game goes back to the garden where you can buy upgrades. Every scene contains a few hidden coins which add a bit of money to your funds. There are four types of hints to help you find what you need, but it's best not to waste question marks, as you get a bonus for each unused one. They start out with three hearts, and lose them gradually, depending on how much time you take to deliver their item(s). Townsfolk appear on the left side of the screen, five at a time, with a description of what they want to buy. Yard sales are hidden-object scenes set in various rooms of the house, and upgrading the garden unlocks more rooms. So, after getting settled in, you embark on your mission. Your doggy Rover is there, too (of course it's Rover! What do you mean, you named him something else?), giving the game a pleasant sense of continuity. While you're busy with that, Austin will go down memory lane, digging up objects from his childhood and reminiscing about the past. Since you happen to have a seasoned green thumb, you will repay their hospitality by fixing up their garden, and you'll raise the money by organising a whole heap of yard sales. You are greeted by Austin's amicable parents who instantly make you feel at home, which is just as well, as you'll spend the rest of the game rummaging through their belongings. The first two games in the series were located in and around your own mansion, but now Austin and you take a trip to his old home, which is in a state of disrepair.

Horticulture enthusiasts, rejoice! Gardenscapes is back, and it actually takes place in a garden again! And for those who find this amount of mirth somewhat disconcerting, Gardenscapes 2 by Playrix Entertainment is an excellent hybrid hidden-object time-management game in which you help your long-serving butler, Austin, restore his parents' decrepit garden by selling off a bunch of junk from their house.